HomeYork Barbican

Queen of the Night – A Tribute to Whitney Houston

Friday 6th June 2025 • 6:30 PM
York BarbicanYork, United Kingdom

Select your Queen of the Night – A Tribute to Whitney Houston hospitality package

Fri 6 Jun • 6:30 PM
  • Gateway+ Premium Experience

     Only 5 tickets remaining
  • Gateway+ Premium Experience hospitality - What's included?

    Arrival at the Premium Box Office entrance with access to the exclusive Clifford’s Lounge.
    Two complimentary drinks including a welcome drink on arrival and pre bookable interval drink.
    Relaxed experience within an intimate setting.
    Exclusive access to the York Gin Hospitality Experience Bar.
    Premium seats with at seat drinks service throughout the show.
    Provided with a souvenir lanyard.
    Experienced and attentive staff available.
    If you have any accessibility requirements, please contact the venue at hospitality@yorkbarbican.co.uk prior to purchase

    Gateway+ Premium Experience

    With Gateway+ Premium Experience seats, you will experience the show from luxury seats with unmatched views of the stage, and have access to several further premium perks, such as premium entrance and exit from the event and complimentary drinks before the event and during the interval.

    Explore the Gateway+ Premium Experience package

    Camera icon3 of 5

    Gateway+ Premium Experience Package

    Mobile ticket
    Quantity5 tickets remaining
    Price per person
    Booking Fee
    Facility Fee
    You will be seated together when buying two or more tickets.